Harry Waterstone

The best way of describing the benefits of studying philosophy is that it teaches you to think. About everything and anything. After studying Philosophy and Psychology at the University of St Andrews in Scotland, I entered the working world with this mindset, and it took me far. From English teacher to head teacher, into training and development and program design. After 14 years in the business world, I realized something was missing, and I returned to academia. I now work as a trainer, writer and translator, while also studying full time. I completed my Master’s in Logic and Philosophy of science in 2017, and will complete my PhD in Neuroscience and Philosophy in 2022. I’m passionate about combining my expertise in training with the latest studies on how our minds work to help academics and businesspeople to develop skills for life.

  • --- Productivity and stress: time management, productivity and managing stress

    --- Leadership

    --- Presenting and public speaking

    --- Intercultural communication

  • --- Center for Nanoscience, LMU Munich

    --- Center for International Health, LMU Munich

    --- Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften Munich

    --- Elite-Netzwerk Bayern

    --- Bundesagentur für Arbeit

    --- Puma Deutschland

    --- Konika Minolta

    --- Gesellschaft für Konsumforschung

  • This is the perfect place for me, at the intersection of training and academia. And it’s inspirational to work with colleagues who are passionate about what they do.

  • Vielseitig, humorvoll und kreativ: mit Harry zu arbeiten ist immer bereichernd - wohl für uns als auch für unsere Kunden.

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